HELLO AGAIN! Here it is another piece from Sepultura. Great guys, Cavalera & co.! OK this piece is called INHUMAN NATURE or HUMAN NATURE ( forgive me I recorded that from the radio and remember that English is not my native tongue so I got a lot of difficulty in writing down the lyrics!) Ah, I wuz forgettin' : If ya got the complete version and the full lyrics please EMail them to me! This piece is incomplete: I haven't transcribed all because of my HUGE laziness (remember also that I'm not a guitar hero and I'm not really able to transcribe a whole song!) Another thing: i think INHUMAN NATURE can be found only in a single... BYE!! Christian Ponzoni < so94@gamma0.lica.unimo.it > University of Modena, Italy TABLATURE EXPLANATION TABLATURE: A six line staff representing the six strings of a Guitar from the highest to the lowest sounding string. e:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| B:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| G:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| D:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| A:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| E:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| DEFINITIONS OF SPECIALS Bh : Half Bend. Strike the note and bend up a half step. Bf : Full Bend. Strike the note and bend up a whole step. Br : Bend and release. Bend up then bend back to original note. pB : Pre bend. Bend up the note then strike it. pBr: Pre bend and release. Same as above then bend down to original uB : Unison bend. Strike 2 notes simultaneously then bend the lower one up up to the higher. V : Vibrato. That's it! wV : Wide or exhaggerated vibrato. Again, that's it! Sn : Normal slide. Strike first note,slide up or down,don't strike 2nd! Ss : Slide. Same as above but 2nd note is struck! S : Slide. Strike the note then slide up or down some frets (indefinite). pS : Pick Slide. Rub the pick down a string ( scratchy, huh? ) HO : Hammer on. Strike the 1st note (lower) then sound without picking the higher note fretting with another left-hand finger. PO : Pull off. Exactly the opposite of a hammer on! T : Trill. Alternate rapidly the 2 notes indicated in tab. TA : Tapping. Hammer a note with a right hand finger (or pick) then pull off to the note fretted by left hand finger. PM : Palm muting. Mute the note with right hand near the bridge. (+ get that Metallica-like CHUMM CHUMM!) WELL FIRST OF ALL: TUNING : I always tune my guitar down to D so transpose the chords in order to be in tune with the song! BASS Lines : I include also bass lines ( bass g. often dupes guitar parts) TEMPO : Straight 4/4! ( why use that fuckin' 3/4 or 2/4 or 7/4 or...?) RHYTHM 1 e:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| B:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| G:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| D:-11-\-8--8-8---8---------------|-------------------------------| A:-11-\-8--8-8---8---------------|-------------------------------| E:--9-\-6--6-6---6---------------|-------------------------------| | Really fast slide : sounds like "ziuung-duhduh-daa"! | | G:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| D:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| A:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| E:--6-----------------------9--5-|--6--------------------9-9-5-5-| RHYTHM 1/b e:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| B:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| G:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| D:-11-\-8--8-8---8---------------|-------------------------------| A:-11-\-8--8-8---8---------------|-------------------------------| E:--9-\-6--6-6---6---------------|--------------------X-////////-| | pick slide! | | G:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| D:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| A:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| E:--6-----------------------9--5-|--6--------------------9-9-5-5-| RHYTHM 2 e:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| B:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| G:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| D:--8----------------------11--7-|--8-------------------11*----7-| A:--8----------------------11--7-|--8-------------------11*----7-| E:--6-----------------------9--5-|--6--------------------9*----5-| | *Bend up 1/4 step | then back to orig. | note! G:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| D:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| A:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| E:--6-----------------------9--5-|--6--------------------9-9-5-5-| RHITHM 3 e:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| B:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| G:-------11-11-------------------|-------------------------------| D:-10-10-11-11-------------------|-10-10---13--10-/-13-10-/-13---| A:-10-10--9--9-------------------|-10-10---13--10-/-13-10-/-13---| E:--8--8-------------------------|--8--8---11---8-/-11--8-/-11---| | Slide Slide | | G:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| D:-------------------------------|-------------------------------| A:--------9--9-------------------|-------------------------------| E:--8--8-------------------------|--8--8---11---8-/-11---8-/-11--| .... LYRICS: Poisoned Heart , Poisoned Mind ..... Hate We are like facist ... ... create .... ... .... Where are our wrongs? We point fingers But destruction never stops! Can you stop it? Do you wanna try? ....... NB : well 1st of all the tab is incomplete so if you got a complete one please Email it to me! Then i really can't understand what the throat of Max Cavalera emits so if You got the lyrics please send me ! Remember also that English is not my native tongue! Bye to all metal maniacz! Christian Ponzoni University of Modena, Italy